WKX - The Open Mind - Prepaid Card
WKX - The Open Mind - Gouden sleutel

Personal guidance helps you in making the next step forward

Personal guidance can help you tremendously in your process of growth.
You have experienced my unique way of working during an insight session. 
This serves as a starting point to go deeper into your own personal process of development 
Personal guidance comes in two forms.

  • As a Pre-payed Card 
  • Personal Mentorship
You’ll find the differences in the columns below.
In order to use either the Pre-payed Card and/or the Personal Mentorship, we will do an insight session first. 

Pre-payed Card 

  • Without obligations; nothing is being expected of you. You choose your own path.
  • Advisory, inspiring, new perspectives, and ideas. 
  • Tips for you personally to make the next step forward. 
  • You decide yourself when you want to work  with me. 
  • You purchase a credit and use it up whenever you think you need it.

Personal Mentorship

  • Take full responsibility for your path in life, both joys and burdens.
  • Advisory, inspiring, new perspectives and ideas. 
  • In weekly more intense sessions, you are going to actively work together with me.
  • Intensive guidance.
  • Exercises especially for you with redirections if needed. 
  • Total commitment from your side; really wanting to go for it.
  • Aimed to continuously developing your intuition and to learn how to feel into things again in life. 
  • Price is higher compared to the Pre-payed Card; guidance is therefore also more intensive.